Like people, churches have “DNA” – a set of deeply rooted characteristics or core values that define them. The core values of our church are values foundational to our church community. These values inform ministry focus and life practice. Values are principles that you can hear, see, feel and touch.
We value worship because everyone was created to glorify God and enjoy Him forever—in short, we were made for worship! Through the death and resurrection of Christ, God is recreating a people by the Spirit who will worship Him in all of life. This means that every church–and every individual Christian–is called to acknowledge the greatness of the Triune God in everything. This applies narrowly to the Godward focus of our Sunday morning gatherings, and broadly to how we engage our vocations, families, neighborhoods and city.
We value community because God does. As Christians, we worship a God of community. He is one God who has eternally existed in three persons known as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God is communal by nature and we are created in His image. Therefore as imitators of our God, we emphasize regular participation in each others lives. We meet throughout the week to care for each other and invite others into this family of faith that God is forming.
Jesus charged his followers to go out and make disciples. As a church, we continue this mission by primarily communicating the news of Jesus and His gospel to others. We also demonstrate this gospel by sacrificially and generously helping those in our city the way God is generous and sacrificial with us in giving us His only Son.