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Warnings From Potiphar's Wife

May 21, 2017    Brad Mortenson

"Life sometimes seems like a series of good news events followed by bad news reality. This certainly seems to be the case when reading the story of Joseph in Genesis. Joseph goes from favored son to slave, from slave to favored manager of his masters household, and then from favored manager to prisoner. This would all be tragic and hopeless were it not for a sovereign God who orders all things for His purposes. Scripture shows us that the events of Joseph life are significant because they are part of God's provision to save the people of Israel during a devastating famine.

The story of Joseph is an encouragement for all who struggle in life to follow Jesus in the good times and difficult times. It helps us to see the pain and difficulty we face in the context of the bigger reality of God's love for His people as His plan unfolds in real life."